All content on this site has a Yarmouth connection.
The videos were filmed and edited by Lynn Hemeon.

Thursday, January 11, 2007


Originally from Yarmouth, Ryan Sweeney's (more commonly known as "Sween") more reputable debut had been with "Endo" (1997-1998) as a lead guitar player. The original band was comprised of Curt LeBlanc, Cory LeBlanc (Gut) and Rob Veinot. Ryan was a later addition along with Jesse Deveau. In 1999 -2000, he was a bass player for "Losers' Advocate", a band that hailed from Cape Island. The departure from the Yarmouth platform occured upon attending college in New Brunswick, where he worked mostly on acoustic instrumentals and got an opportunity to record his first (and only to date) full length album,"Pelli Moulante"in the United States in the fall of 2000. Now living in Indianapolis and coming out of a musical slump, Sween is working on a new album with more of a folky flavor. Though he lives in the States , Sween now and always will be... a Yarmouthian.

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