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The videos were filmed and edited by Lynn Hemeon.

Saturday, December 02, 2006

2 Minutes To Maiden

Jason Young's first Bass guitar was sold to him by his principal Phil Demille in 1990-a
graduation present for himself. The story really begins in 1985 when his cousin Brian Doane takes a chance and buys a cassette called Live After Death. Played it for him and he hasn't stopped listening to it. Jason got to see them for the first of six times in 1988 on the Seventh Son tour and decided then he wanted to play bass (thanks 'Arry). Not much happened until a chance meeting with Jeff Macdonald of Ready For Eddie-Iron Maiden tribute, and they happened to be looking for bass player. He spent 2003 with lots of rehearsal, a few gigs and good fun with the band until a badly broken bass playing finger and a great guitarist moving away dissolves the band. Fortunate again in 2004 when through a friend he met up with Derrick Jensen and from the first Trooper, things clicked. When Shiggins and Kirk came on board they became 2 Minutes to Maiden. Listen to all kinds of music in all different styles but no band or music mean as much to him as Maiden. Playing it is even better.

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